Second Sunday after Epiphany (January 19, 2025)

Monthly Potluck Social

Madonna and Child

Our next monthly potluck social will be held after Mass on Sunday, January 26th. We hope to see you there!







Sacramentals Blessing

The next blessing of sacramentals will take place this Sunday, January 19th. Please bring your items to be blessed to the altar rail following Holy Mass.

Solemn Pontifical Mass on May 18, 2025

His Excellency, Bishop Ronald Gainer, Bishop Emeritus, will offer a Solemn Pontifical Mass for our community on Sunday, May 18th, 2025. That day, children may receive their First Holy Communion. If you have a child who will be receiving this sacrament, please contact Fr. Tcheou. Likewise, if you have a child in need of the sacrament of Confirmation, please contact Fr. Tcheou so he can let you know your options.

Parish Registration

Interested in joining St. Joseph Parish? To register, please contact Joanne Bauer at the St. Joseph’s Rectory: 717-397-6921.