Is this your first time to St. Joseph’s and the Traditional Latin Mass?
Welcome! Let yourself take everything in! Watch the priest, servers, and those around you. Listen to the choir. Don’t be afraid of making a “mistake” or understanding the Latin; the reading and sermon are in English. Immerse yourself in the beauty of “The Mass of Ages.”
The terms Traditional Latin Mass and Extraordinary Form of the Mass are both terms used to describe Masses offered in the Roman Rite in accordance with the liturgical books of 1962. The term “Extraordinary Form” was expressed in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum issued by Pope Benedict XVI.
The priests and members of our Lancaster Latin Mass Community are always happy to welcome those new to the Traditional Latin Mass. Please feel free to ask questions about the Catholic faith as well as elements of the Latin Mass that may be confusing or different. We especially invite you to join us for food and fellowship on the fourth Sunday of the month for our Monthly Potluck Social, which is held immediately following Holy Mass in the Social Hall.
We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you!
Click Below to View Our Welcome Card
Some helpful tips for those visiting St. Joseph’s for the first time
Parking is available in the lot directly across from St. Joseph’s Church, in the school parking lot located on the corner of Vine & Mulberry Streets (not currently available at this time), and in the loop around the church. If you park in the loop around the church, kindly leave promptly after Holy Mass, so as not to block anyone in. For more detailed parking information, please visit our Location page.
The church is handicap accessible by a ramp located on the front right-side of the church. If you require any assistance or would like Father to bring Holy Communion to you in your pew, notify an usher and they will be happy to help you.
After you arrive at the church, look for a set of small (8×5 inches) set of red booklets.
All materials for the Traditional Latin Mass are available in the Communications Center located in the left rear of the church just to the left of the statue of the Pietá pictured below.
The restroom is located on the left-hand side of the vestibule This restroom is also equipped with a changing table. An additional restroom is located in the Good Shepherd Room, located in the building immediately to the side of the church.
Music sung at our Traditional Latin Mass is taken from the black Credo Hymnal, which is found in the pews. Please join the choir in singing if you are inclined. Hymn numbers, as well as the numbers are posted on the song boards at the front of the church.
Click here for 10 Tips for Newcomers to the Latin Mass.