Location and Parking

St. Joseph Catholic Church
440 St. Joseph Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone (717) 397-6921
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There are several options for parking:
  1. There are approximately 12 parking spaces in the courtyard between the church and parish hall, accessed by the driveway to the left of the church. There is also a one-way circular driveway that loops around the church. If you park in the loop around the church, kindly leave promptly after Holy Mass so as not to block anyone in.
  2. There is a larger parking lot directly across the street from the church.  It is the custom on Sundays to double-park there, but if you do so please depart immediately after Mass to allow everyone to exit the lot.
  3. On weekends, the largest parking lot at the former St. Joseph School, located at 47 S. Mulberry St., Lancaster, PA 17603, is available for use from 3:00 pm Saturday until 3:00 pm Sunday.  It is a short 3-minute walk to the parish. Not currently available at this time.


Please see the map below for parking locations. Please avoid parking on the street to preserve those spaces for residents.  
Parking Map