Second Sunday after Easter (April 18, 2021)

Confessions This Sunday

Madonna and ChildThis Sunday, April 18th, Fr. Johannes will hear Confessions in the lower chapel beginning at 12:15 and ending at 12:45.

Availability of Confessions is contingent upon adhering to the following guidelines so as to avoid parking complications for those who are leaving the 10:30 am Mass:

  •  Please do not arrive before Noon.
  • Please park in the school lot located at 47 S. Mulberry St.

We are in need of a volunteer to bring a CD player with a CD of Gregorian Chant or Polyphony to add a little more privacy while Confessions are taking place. If you are able to do this, please write to us at [email protected]. Thank you.


Ushers will seat you upon arrival in the vestibule. Pews are roped off ever 3 pews.

Holy Communion

Holy Communion will be distributed after Holy Mass using the Traditional Rite for the Administration of Holy Communion Outside Mass. Come forward one person at a time, kneel in the gateway of the altar rail, and receive on the tongue. Please do not touch the altar rail.

Mass Intentions Available

If you would like to schedule a Traditional Latin Mass intention for someone, living or deceased, please drop your intention along with a stipend of $10.00 per Mass in the collection box at Mass or mail to St. Joseph Church, 440 St. Joseph St., Lancaster, PA 17603.  Please mark the envelope Mass Intentions c/o Donna. Or email requests to [email protected]. This is a wonderful way to remember family members or others at birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions.