Potluck Social
Our next monthly potluck social will be held after Mass on Sunday, March 6. We hope to see you there!
Adorers Needed
Beginning in Lent, Fr. Tcheou would like to have Adoration offered Monday to Friday both during the day and throughout the night. To sign up for an hour (or more), please call the Parish Office at 717-397-6921 or email Mary Ellen Gardner at [email protected].
Lenten Enrollment in 40 Masses
This year’s Lenten Enrollment is now open! Beginning Ash Wednesday, the Discalced Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in our diocese will be offering 40 days of Masses, prayers, and penances for all of those enrolled this Lent. They invite all to enroll so that you and those dear to you may benefit from these Masses and sacrifices by the Hermits. To enroll, CLICK HERE.
Choir Members Needed
Each Sunday a small group of dedicated singers provides the music for Holy Mass. They give of their talents to glorify God. They could use some help. This is a call for more choir singers to sing in the choir. The need is for all voice sections particularly sopranos and tenors. The Missa Cantata, sung Mass, is dependent on a choir for its celebration.
If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact the choir director, Philip Crnkovich, or any choir member. Contact information, email: [email protected], text/call: 717-413-0006 or stop up in the choir loft after Mass.
Parish Registration
Interested in joining St. Joseph Parish? To register, please contact Joanne Bauer at the St. Joseph’s Rectory: 717-397-6921
Helpers Needed to Clean Church
The parish is in need of two crews of 5 people to clean the church once every other month for 2 1/2 hours. If you are able to help, please contact Donna D’Agostino at [email protected].