Pentecost Sunday (May 28, 2023)

Parish Covered Dish Picnic

Madonna and Child

On June 4th, all are invited to the Parish Covered Dish Picnic, which will be held at St. Joseph Field, 1409 Wabank Road at 3:15 p.m. Food will be served, beginning at 3:30 pm. Tickets are only $1 until May 28 and will be available after Mass. After May 28, tickets will be $3 until May 31. After May 31, tickets are $5. Tickets will be collected at the picnic. Hamburgers, doggies and beverages will be provided. Please bring a covered dish to share. If your last name begins with E-K please bring a dessert, everyone else bring a salad, appetizer or a side dish.







Thank You to Our Photographers!

Many thanks to Allison Girone of G Photography & Films for beautifully capturing the Pontifical Mass! To view the complete album, CLICK HERE.

Mass Intentions

Currently there are Sunday and Holy Day Extraordinary Form Masses scheduled through September 10.  If you would like to request an Extraordinary Form Mass or Masses, place your intentions in an envelope marked “TLM Mass Intentions – Attn: Donna” along with a stipend of $10.00 per Mass and drop it in the collection basket, or call Mary Ellen at the rectory.  So that we can accommodate all requests, at this time no more than 5 intentions per family, please.


The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Traditional Latin Rite will be administered before the Latin Mass on Holy Trinity Sunday, June 4, 2023. Parents, if your children are twelve years old and older and are properly catechized and prepared to receive this Sacrament, then please make sure to contact Deacon Thomas Owsinski, the Parish Director of Faith Formation, to insure that the required registration has been received. Deacon’s email is [email protected]. Confirmation interviews will be scheduled with the Confirmandi during the month of May.

We are also happy to announce that Sheldon Altschuler, a member of our community, will also be baptized, confirmed, and receive his First Holy Communion at this Holy Mass on Trinity Sunday alongside his daughter, who will also be confirmed. Please keep Sheldon and all of our Confirmandi in your prayers.

After this Mass on June 4th we will have a light reception with cheese/crackers and drinks. Please note there will not be a potluck social on the fourth Sunday in June. Please bring drinks and foods, such as cheese and crackers, etc.

Parish Registration

Interested in joining St. Joseph Parish? To register, please contact Joanne Bauer at the St. Joseph’s Rectory: 717-397-6921.