Monthly Potluck Social
Our March Monthly Potluck Social that was scheduled to be held on Sunday, March 24th has been cancelled due to Holy Week.
Please join us next month on Sunday, April 28th!
Mass Intentions
The backlog of Mass intentions has been resolved, so new Mass intentions are being accepted. If you would like to request an intention for a Traditional Latin Mass, place your intentions in an envelope marked “TLM Mass Intentions – Attn: Donna” along with a stipend of $10.00 per Mass and drop it in the collection basket. Requests may also be emailed to Mary Ellen Gardner at [email protected].
Save the Date
There will be a Pontifical Mass with His Excellency, Bishop Ronald W. Gainer, Bishop Emeritus, on Saturday, May 25th.
Sign up to Host the Pilgrim Virgin Statue
The month of July is still available at this time.
Details can be found on the Sign-Up Genius page:
Anyone who has not hosted the statue within the last 6 months is eligible to sign up. Especially if you haven’t before, sign-up NOW to welcome Our Lady into YOUR home!
For questions or more information, contact Mrs. Kathy Haddon, 717-615-1738.
Easter Novena of Latin Masses
Fr. Maximilian Mary of Jesus Crucified, a hermit in our diocese, will be offering an Easter novena of Traditional Latin Masses. The suggested donation is $15 for each enrollment which includes an enrollment card sent to each family (or person) enrolled. Cards will head out in the mail starting around Passiontide (March 18th) and the deadline for enrollment is Palm Sunday (March 24th). To enroll, CLICK HERE.
Parish Registration
Interested in joining St. Joseph Parish? To register, please contact Joanne Bauer at the St. Joseph’s Rectory: 717-397-6921.