
Ushers will seat you upon arrival in the vestibule. Pews are roped off every 3 pews.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion will be distributed after Holy Mass using the Traditional Rite for the Administration of Holy Communion Outside Mass. Come forward one person at a time, kneel in the gateway of the altar rail, and receive on the tongue. Please do not touch the altar rail.
Confessions are offered by appointment outside in the Grotto near the convent. Please call the rectory to schedule a time: 717-397-6921. When you call, you don’t need to give your name, just the number of persons.
Confraternity of Christian Mothers
The Confraternity of Christian Mothers meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. For more information, contact Carina DeBakey at [email protected]. Until further notice, the Confraternity is meeting virtually.