Monthly Potluck Social
Our next Monthly Potluck Social will be held after Mass on April 7 in the Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall.
Traditional Confirmation
Fr. Olkowski would like to host an organizational meeting with the parents of children to be confirmed in the traditional rite by Bishop Gainer later this year. The meeting will be held in the St. Francis Room following the first hour of April’s monthly potluck social — next Sunday, April 7th at approximately 4 p.m. Father hopes to solicit feedback to design a course to supplement instruction in the home. If you have not yet indicated your desire to have your child confirmed, please do so by writing [email protected].
Good Friday Solemn Liturgy
Mark your calendars for Friday, April 19th to join us for a historic “first” for our community, the traditional Good Friday Solemn Liturgy, which will be held at 3 p.m.
Diocesan Annual Men’s Conference
The Diocese of Harrisburg’s Catholic Men’s Conference is April 6 at Bishop McDevitt High School. This is one of the largest annual diocesan events. The theme of this year’s Men’s Conference is: Men Called to Be Saints. Registration deadline is April 1st. Brochures are available in the vestibule pamphlet rack or register online at the Diocese website.
Diocesan Annual Campaign
Thank you to ALL who pledged the last two weekends. 307 families have pledged $75,279.50 toward are $87,000 goal. If you have not returned a Campaign envelope, please complete your pledge this week and mail it or drop it off at the rectory. Remember, all funds over the parish goal are returned to our parish to assist with ministries and services we provide.
Land of Peace
April 6-7, Land of Peace, a nonprofit organization with the mission of helping and supporting Christian families in the Holy Land, will be selling handmade arts in the Good Shepherd Room. LAND OF PEACE’S GOAL IS TO BUILD A CHARITY HOSPITAL IN THE HOLY LAND.
Second Collection
The second collection NEXT SUNDAY is for Catholic Relief Services. Please see the bulletin insert.