Monthly Potluck Social
Our next Monthly Potluck Social will be held after Mass on Sunday, January 6 in the Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall.
Weekly Low Mass
We are pleased to announce that Fr. Olkowski has begun offering a weekly Low Mass here in the upper church every Friday at 8:15 am.
Christmas Schedule
Please make note of the dates and times for upcoming Masses and events:
- Christmas Day – High Mass at 11 a.m. here at St. Joseph’s
- December 28th – Low Mass at 8:15 a.m.
- January 1st – Mass at 12 noon
- January 4th – First Friday Mass and Devotions
- January 6th – our next Monthly Potluck Social
Rosary before Mass
If you would like to lead the Rosary 1-2 Sundays per month, please contact Erick Wittemann at [email protected].
Adoration Hours for Christmas
Perpetual Adoration will be suspended from 3:00pm on Christmas Eve – Monday, December 24, 2018 until after the 6:30am Mass on Wednesday, December 26, 2018.
Office Hours for Christmas
The Parish Office will be closed beginning 1:00pm Monday, December 24 – Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, December 25 and Tuesday December 26. The office will re-open at 9:00am on Wednesday December 27.
Thank You
to all our parishioners for generously supporting the “Cookie Sale” to combat world hunger and locally by providing gifts/gift cards through our Advent Giving Tree.
New Year’s Day Community Meal
Help is still needed for meal prep & set up Saturday, December 29 at 1:00pm. On NEW YEAR’S DAY help is needed beginning at 12:30pm to serve and extend hospitality to our diners. This is a great opportunity for fellowship and our famous pork & sauerkraut.