Monthly Potluck Social
Our next Monthly Potluck Social will be held after Mass on August 4 in the Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall.
Young Adults’ Group
If you are between the ages of 18 and 35, the Latin Mass young adults’ group meets every Wednesday evening from 7 to 8 pm for a Holy Hour in the adoration chapel followed by a social with food and drinks next door. Every second Wednesday of the month there will be a designated topic for discussion. For more information contact Christin Miller at [email protected] or (704) 425-4177 or Patrick Morgan at [email protected] or (717) 823-3481.
Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima Home Visitation
Our Latin Mass Community invites you to welcome into your home St. Joseph Church’s Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima for a period of one month. For more information and to sign up, please see tomorrow’s newsletter.
Father-Son Knights of the Altar Field Trip to Harrisburg Cathedral
Our Knights of the Altar will be having a field trip to St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg on Saturday, August 10th for the ordination of one of the Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. This is the first traditional ordination in our diocese in over 40 years. Large vans are needed. If you are able to help, please contact Mark O’Neill at [email protected]. RSVPs should also be made via the online link provided in our newsletter and via email to Mark O’Neill indicating how many boys/men would like to attend and whether or not they would like to join the van.
Raffle Tickets
Raffle tickets for the San Juan Bautista 36th ANNUAL HISPANIC FESTIVAL are on sale after all Masses THIS weekend and Sunday, July 21. The price is $2.00 per ticket, or a book of 6 for $10.00. The Grand Prize is a 2020 Toyota Corolla or $14,500.00. Good luck!
Barnstormers Tickets
Free tickets to a Barnstormers game on July 18th are available to you, courtesy of Carol Rae Culliton and the Gunterberg Charitable Foundation. First come first serve. Please call the rectory for availability.