Fifth Sunday after Easter (May 14, 2023)

Monthly Potluck Social

Madonna and Child

Our next monthly potluck social will be held after the Pontifical Mass with Bishop Ronald Gainer today. Please bring a dish to share! Crockpots welcome! A good rule of thumb is to bring twice as much food as is typically required to feed your own family.







Mother’s Day Rose Sale

Roses will be sold on Mother’s Day to benefit the pro-life work of A Woman’s Concern. Roses will be $2 each.

We are in need of a volunteer to sell the roses after Mass. If you are able to help, please contact Sally Morgan at 717-823-3483.

Etiquette for Bishop Gainer’s Visit

Below are some helpful reminders for the proper protocol when a bishop visits

  • As Bishop Gainer processes into and out of church, genuflect on your left knee and bless yourself
  • The proper way to address Bishop Gainer is “Your Excellency”
  • When greeting Bishop Gainer, kneel on your left knee and kiss his ring as a sign of respect for his office
  • When he enters the social hall, please stand and remain standing until he invites everyone to sit.  Men should remove their hats in his presence.


The Sacrament of Confirmation in the Traditional Latin Rite will be administered before the Latin Mass on Holy Trinity Sunday, June 4, 2023. Parents, if your children are twelve years old and older and are properly catechized and prepared to receive this Sacrament, then please make sure to contact Deacon Thomas Owsinski, the Parish Director of Faith Formation, to insure that the required registration has been received. Deacon’s email is [email protected]. Confirmation interviews will be scheduled with the Confirmandi during the month of May.

We are also happy to announce that Sheldon Altschuler, a member of our community, will also be baptized, confirmed, and receive his First Holy Communion at this Holy Mass on Trinity Sunday alongside his daughter, who will also be confirmed. Please keep Sheldon and all of our Confirmandi in your prayers.

Adorers Needed

St. Joseph’s Church currently has ongoing Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament both during the day and throughout the night on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There are still open hours in need of a second adorer.

Currently there is no Adoration on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Hopefully, with your help, we can expand to these days in the future. Please, kindly consider committing to a time slot to spend this special time with Christ in prayer. Consider taking an hour yourself, as a family or as a group of friends, etc. Take an open hour or any hour that works for you.  It’s fine if there is extra coverage!

For Security purposes the chapel doors are locked. Access to the chapel is only available via use of a chapel key fob. Those desiring time in the Adoration Chapel who do not have a key fob, please call the rectory at 717-397-6921 ext. 213.

Sign up online at

Parish Registration

Interested in joining St. Joseph Parish? To register, please contact Joanne Bauer at the St. Joseph’s Rectory: 717-397-6921.