Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (July 17, 2022)

Monthly Potluck Social

Madonna and Child

Our next monthly potluck social will be held after Mass on Sunday, August 7.







St. Joseph’s Caring Kitchen

St. Joseph’s Caring Kitchen is in need of volunteers to bring meals to parishioners in need. For more information about bringing a meal, please CLICK HERE.

Parish Registration

Interested in joining St. Joseph Parish? To register, please contact Joanne Bauer at the St. Joseph’s Rectory: 717-397-6921

Helpers Needed to Clean Church

The parish is in need of two crews of 5 people to clean the church once every other month for 2 1/2 hours. If you are able to help, please contact Donna D’Agostino at [email protected].

Mass Intentions

Please contact the rectory before requesting a Mass intention as Mass intentions are full at this time.