Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (February 3, 2019)

Monthly Potluck SocialMadonna and Child

Our next Monthly Potluck Social will be held today after Mass in the Msgr. Thomas H. Smith Social Hall.

Pastoral Council Elections

We ask all registered parishioners 18 years and older to please be sure to vote today in our Parish Council Election. Ballots can be placed in the ballot boxes located at the church doors as you leave Mass today. Thank you!

Second Collection

The second collection today is for the Society of the Propagation of the Faith membership appeal. The second collection next Sunday (February 10) is for the BLACK AND INDIAN/POOR MISSIONS.

Blessing of Throats

The Blessing of Throats for the Feast of St. Blaise will take place today after Mass.

Letter from Bishop Gainer

Please be sure to take a bulletin today to receive a copy of a letter from Bishop Gainer regarding the passage of the Reproductive Health Act in New York. You can also read a copy on our website. February 2019 Letter from Bishop Gainer

Download the Weekly Bulletin

Bulletin for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany