Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (January 30, 2022)

Potluck Social

Madonna and Child

Our next monthly potluck social will be held after Mass on Sunday, February 6. We hope to see you there!




Candlemas Blessing of Candles

All are invited to bring their own candles to be solemnly blessed before the evening Mass on Candlemas, Wednesday, February 2, 2022, beginning at 6:30 pm. Please place any and all candles in an appropriate and suitable carrier, e.g., a basket, box, etc. You may bring candles intended for your home chapels, for use at table, devotions, etc., and also 100% unbleached wax candles for spiritual warfare.

Sign up to Host the Pilgrim Virgin Statue

The Lancaster Latin Mass Community invites you to welcome into your home our Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. You may sign up to have the statue in your home for a period of approximately one month. During this time of visitation, all are encouraged to: practice daily prayer of the rosary; invite guests to join your family in praying with Our Lady; and make a Home Enthronement to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. 

There are months available from April through August to reserve at this time. Details can be found on the Sign-Up Genius page:

Sign up now to welcome Our Lady into YOUR home!

Parish Registration

Interested in joining St. Joseph Parish? To register, please contact Joanne Bauer at the St. Joseph’s Rectory: 717-397-6921

Helpers Needed to Clean Church

The parish is in need of two crews of 5 people to clean the church once every other month for 2 1/2 hours. If you are able to help, please contact Donna D’Agostino at [email protected].

Mass Intentions Available

If you would like to schedule a Traditional Latin Mass intention for someone, living or deceased, please drop your intention along with a stipend of $10.00 per Mass in the collection box at Mass or mail to St. Joseph Church, 440 St. Joseph St., Lancaster, PA 17603.  Please mark the envelope Mass Intentions c/o Donna. Or email requests to [email protected]. This is a wonderful way to remember family members or others at birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions.